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- Abbas, Abul K.
- Abellanas Rapun, Lorenzo
- Araiza Martínez, Martha Elena
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- Baca Urbina, Gabriel
- Baptista Lucio, María del Pilar
- Baptista Lucio, Pilar
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- Beker, Víctor Alberto
- Bender, David A.
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- Blengio Pinto, José Rafael
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- Brealey, Richard A.
- Chiavenato, Idalberto
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- Hernández Sampieri, Roberto
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- Mochón Morcillo, Francisco
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- Nordhaus, William D.
- Ries, Al
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- Spiegel, Murray R.
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- (McGraw-Hill Series in Psychology / consulting editors Norman Garmezy, Richard L. Solomon, Harold W. Stevenson, Lyle V. Jones)
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- (McGraw-Hill Series in Psychology / editada por Norman Garmezy)
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